August 7, 2013

shampoo wars - Advertising in the Philippines

when i finally got to watch TV on some extra time, i thought that the war between shampoo brands on how to promote their products has never stopped. why? there's still hair growing among us. but these two brands, Rejoice and Palmolive never changed their approach towards young women to use their product. both giving the same benefits of giving a long soft hair that adds to their beauty quality, PLUS the attraction they get from boys they like. see these two TVCs from the two:

Rejoice Philippines
i just think that having a beautiful hair is a plus factor to get the guy that you like. and it's no excuse because i like girls with beautiful long hair too. but i just hope that core values will still be presented like ladies, however they are empowered nowadays, should stay in their meek personalities. calling them the Dalagang Pilipina that will not compromise their power to decide for themselves.

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