Showing posts with label snoopy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snoopy. Show all posts

November 19, 2014

Peanuts Movie trailer out now

Fox releases the trailer of The Peanuts Movie showing Christmas 2015. The whole gang is present and we'll definitely wait for this next year! Catch Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Woodstock, Lucy, Linus, Schroeder, Sally and more!
Here's the trailer:

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March 24, 2014

PEANUTS makes a theater debut!

If Charles Schulz is still alive today, he will definitely love PEANUTS coming out as a movie soon. And more exciting is that it will be in 3D. So Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy and the whole gang will popping out in the big screen and will be enjoyed by kids and they parents who first experienced the laughter and thoughts presented by these characters. Here's a first look on the upcoming movie:
And here's the trailer:
Steve Martino will direct the “Peanuts” feature; previously, he brought to the big screen (with Jimmy Hayward) Fox/Blue Sky’s “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!” Martino also directed (with Michael Thurmeier) Fox’s recent box-office smash “Ice Age: Continental Drift.” The screenplay is by Craig Schulz and the writing team of Bryan Schulz & Cornelius Uliano. Craig Schulz and Bryan Schulz, respectively Mr. Schulz’s son and grandson, along with Uliano are producing. Also playing a key role in the deal was Neil Cole, chief executive officer and president of Iconix Brand Group (NASDAQ: ICON), which, in a joint venture with Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates, formed Peanuts Worldwide in 2010, the home to the global “Peanuts” property.
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February 9, 2012


little kids that talk like adults and big adults who act like kids bring the fun in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown happening February 11 to March 3 2012 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza, Makati City. from 9 Works Theatrical, a musical set into a lighter mood and tone that can be appreciated by the kids.
i haven't read much of the Peanuts comics by Charles Schulz that's why i was very entertained by the lines and songs of our lovable characters Charlie Brown (Robbie Guevarra), Schroeder (Tonipet Gaba), Lucy (Carla Laforteza), Sally (Sweet Plantado), Linus (Franco Laurel) and Snoopy (Lawrence Martinez) who brought back memories of childhood and also helped us realize some facts of life in a very funny way.
the 5 kids are resemblances of people around us. Lucy, for example, uses her loud voice to give orders to have things her way. Carla Laforteza gave it a good shot being Lucy. and Snoopy, though maybe a dog, almost left behind, had some thinking that may be out of this world. and Lawrence Martinez gave it a powerful portrayal. different profiles are shown in this very wonderful musical.

they had a very nice set too. the very colorful and comic-y set transforms our casts into the very characters of the Charles Schultz hit.
indeed, happiness is present in all simple things. just learn to appreciate what you have in instances and live with it. having a pencil or maybe a brother that will take your worries away and bring you comfort.

watch the video below to give you something that you can watch out for:

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January 12, 2012

No Other Good Man but Charlie Brown!

who wouldn't forget 5 kids and a dog who communicates like adults and talks about the way of life. from the famous comics Peanuts by Charles Schulz, 9 Works Theatrical brings to life Lucy, Schroeder, Linus, Sally, Snoopy and Charlie Brown in the musical loved by kids and kids at heart, You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown.
an attempt into children's theater by the 9 Works team, executive producer Santi Santamaria talks about choosing the musical in the line up of plays set for 2012.

with 15 songs in the lives of the 5 kids, people who will watch it will look at life in a different way. thanks to the optimism of Charlie Brown -- who will be played by Robby Guevarra. as he knew that Charlie Brown will be staged by 9 Works, he never let anyone get the role but himself, as this is part of him growing up. getting back on stage are 2 known personalities, Tonipet Gaba playing Schroeder and Sweet Plantado as Sally. after taking the hibernation from the theater world, they are delighted to join the cast. here's a video of one song, also my favorite from the line up, "My New Philosophy."

joining them are veteran theater actors Carla Laforteza as Lucy, Franco Laurel as Linus (Toff Devenecia alternates) and Lorenz Martinez as Snoopy. this is directed by the "stellar" Michael Williams.
starting February 11 to March 3, 2012. enjoy the fun with the characters we grew up on. brought to us by 9 Works Theatrical, the show will be at Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, RCBC Plaza, Makati City.

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