Showing posts with label now you see me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label now you see me. Show all posts

November 20, 2015

Tadaa! NYSM2 trailer is out and here's what I think of it

Finally the magical trailer of Now You See Me has been posted online and NYSM fans could be reacting happy or sad with the new movie. Here are my takes on the new trailer:
  1. At least majority of the Four Horsemen are still present. Isla Fisher of course cannot join Atlas (Jesse Eisenberg), Wilder (Dave Franco) and McKinney (Woody Harrelson) in their magical stunts. We wish you well, Henley Reeves.
  2. Jesse Eisenberg cuts hair. When we expected Lex Luthor to be bald in Batman v Superman, he comes clean in this sequel. Well, almost bald.
  3. Lizzy Caplan playing Lula could have better acts than Reeves. I still like the bubbles act from the first movie though. But still this is just the trailer, there could be more magic to anticipate when we see the first movie.
  4. A great team should have an epic squad photo like this one.
  5. The most awaited arrival of a true-blood wizard, Harry Potter! errmm.. Daniel Radcliffe finally joins the cast as Walter but he has some magic boo-boos. Still a magical name, right Disney?
  6. There'll be more street and spectacular magic and I can't wait.
Well in case you want to see the whole trailer, here it is. Returning in the movie are Mark Ruffallo as Dylan Rhodes; Michael Caine as the billionaire show producer Arthur Kressler, And joining in are Sanaa Lathan, Henry Lloyd-Hughes and Jay Chou. Now You See Me 2 opens in theaters June 2016.

Next summer, they’re back. Witness the all-new NOW YOU SEE ME 2 teaser trailer - Appearing in theaters 2016! #NYSM2
Posted by Now You See Me on Thursday, November 19, 2015
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November 5, 2014

Daniel Radcliffe, Lizzy Caplan and Jay Chou star in NOW YOU SEE ME 2!

Read the official statement from the Now You See Me Facebook Page:

It's OFFICIAL! - Daniel Radcliffe (“KILL YOUR DARLINGS,” “HARRY POTTER”), Lizzy Caplan (Showtime's "MASTERS OF SEX," the upcoming "THE INTERVIEW") and Jay Chou (Taiwanese mega-star) will star in Lionsgate's Now You See Me 2 from director Jon M. Chu!
I wonder if they will be pro for the 4 Horsemen or enemies? Daniel plays Walter, Jay Chou plays Li. Plot is still unavailable this time.

Now You See Me 2 is a magic crime fiction featuring Mark Ruffalo, Dave Franco, Woody Harrelson, Michael Caine, Jesse Eisenberg. IMDB did not say that Isla Fisher will be there. Coming to theaters, 2016.

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