Showing posts with label idolonfox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label idolonfox. Show all posts

May 24, 2012

AMERICAN IDOL 11 is Phillip Phillips!

and finally the long wait is over with the most exciting American Idol season for me. with a whopping 132 million votes across America and even online, Phillip Phillips is crowned as the new American Idol. i personally didn't like the results but it was easy to accept. though i rooted for Jessica Sanchez to get the title, there are some factors that sank in me to accept Phillip's winning moment. last night was full of substantial and very entertaining moments at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles.
Biggest Highlights:
  1. Ace Young proposes to Diana DeGarmo - season 4 finalists profess their love onstage. Ryan Seacrest made a special accomplice on this. congratulations to the couple.
  2. the finalists give special numbers in memoriam of music icons Whitney Houston and Robin Gibb.
  3. Jennifer Holliday and Jessica Sanchez duet of And I am Telling You I'm Not Going where they received a full standing ovation inside the Nokia Theater. the most powerful rendition yet but the awkwardness became Twitter's #1 trend worldwide.
  4. sweet rendition of Up Where We Belong by the top 2 finalists.
  1. Phillip Phillips is a true-blood American. trends among the past seasons where the trend is that there is a better talent from other races, the white guy wins.
  2. Jessica may have been the trending topic worldwide but we should also consider the demographics of the voters. Steve Tyler and Jimmy Iovine admitted that Phillip may have captured the votes on the third round.
  3. Phillip holds the majority of Americans where Jessica's votes might only come from the West Coast.
  4. this is another season where the WGWG (white guy with guitar) wins. who knows, the voters maybe tired of the diva spectacle that Jessica had shown throughout the show and a better way to relax is to listen to the calming voice of Phillip especially when he sang Home on the third round.
  5. Phillip may have also got the sympathy votes since news came out that he is suffering from a kidney problem. the first thing that he should do, have his operation. we should let him have it for better health.
  6. many have noted that Jessica will be defying odds if she wins the title. the first saved finalists to become in the final two for one. this might somehow relieved her supporters but the votes weren't enough.
  7. the finale is Jessica's show. the overwhelming duet with Jennifer Holliday is a fulfillment for her. she can get in the league of the veteran singers already! after she sang it, she can leave and even let Phillip just accept the award whole-heartedly. besides, she's got a great career coming at her feet already.
still, some people won't accept this win. and still a talk of the world. we can't say who wins but we can control by contributing votes to the one we're rooting for, as Ryan Seacrest would always say.
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May 18, 2012

JESSICA and PHILLIP on AI 11 Finale!

one step away to the next American Idol and Joshua Ledet will be going home. that's a shocking news that i got over the internet and i was very excited to know that my root Jessica Sanchez will be in the finals! she is joined by Phillip Phillips in the final battle for the next American Idol!
who gets the title, who is the greatest shocker, who were the worst auditions with big performances. i can't wait for the songs they will be performing. i just hope Jessica will win all the rounds of the competition. thank God for the judges for not letting her go when she was almost eliminated! advantage for Phillip, he never gets in the bottom three and those ladies who like him for his charisma. if you want real talent to be the next American Idol, VOTE FOR JESSICA!

so mark the date, May 23 and 24 for the live telecast of the season finale. await big surprises from guests during the show only on FOX. 

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