November 8, 2014

A family magical entertainment in Wally Watthead and His Lost Glow

Finland's Amazing Magic Theater and PETA invites you to witness a multi-media magic show for the whole family. Wally Watthead and His Lost Glow combines magic, magic, clowning, mime, black light theatre, video, various special effects, and plenty of laughs for kids, parents -- and even grandparents -- to enjoy!
Wally Watthead features Janne Raudaskoski, who will do the magic tricks and act onstage together with Tuija Nuojua Raudaskoski as Polly Picture and a robot like assistant named Simon, the three will perform amazing magic tricks right before your eyes!
Janne Raudaskoski aims to combine multi-types of performances that is so powerful that all audiences may be able to capture the messages. A well trained magician and a clown that would like to hear the people laugh and see them pleased with his performances. His experimental theatre combine magic, clownery and narrative in my performances using methods such as video, black theatre techniques and various kinds of special effects.

Watch the trailer of Wally Watthead and His Lost Glow below. The show begins November 14, 15, 16 and 21, 22, 23 at 10AM and 3PM. Tickets are priced at Php 800 and Php 600.
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