during the eve of the People Power Revolution, a boy named Lucas has entered the MalacaƱang Palace where the regime of the administration has fleed together with the family. and finding inside the luxurious home are the 3000 famous shoes of the First Lady Imelda Marcos. Lucas had a great deep anger for the Marcoses for his father
"died" while constructing one of Imelda's palaces: the Manila Film Center. and from that anger, Lucas stole a pair and given half to two of the women he loved, his mother Chat and lover, Bettina.

his mother Chat has been wasting money on spirit questors to try to talk to his "dead" father. she has been asking a woman named Madame Vange, who happens to be an Imelda impersonator. and when Chat suddenly needed a pair, Lucas confronted her and forced to tell her the truth.
this is not a political story. in fact, it is a love story, it displays repentance and forgiveness. it shows how a simple thing like Imelda's shoes be able to bring out truth and show Lucas' mission, to his mother and to his lover. good lines, delivered in a very smooth way, the shots are also great. if you want to escape for a while out of the political setting, you will not see it here.
THE RED SHOES stars Marvin Agustin, Nikki Gil, Iwa Moto together with Liza Lorena, Tessie Tomas, Tirso Cruz III, and Techie Agbayani. Directed by Raul Jorolan under
Unitel Pictures, the film will be shown in theaters on
March 10.
cant wait to see this movie :)