Inspired by true events, 'Engkwentro' tells the story of Richard and Raymond, two teenage brothers on opposite sides of a gang war. Richard is the leader of his gang, 'Bagong Buwan' ('New Moon') while Raymond is just being inducted into 'Batang Dilim' ('Children of the Night'), a rival gang led by charming solvent boy, Tomas. Complications arise at a deadly midnight 'engkwentro' (clash), when Tomas gives Raymond the task of killing his older brother.
All this happens while the City Death Squad lurks the streets. This real-life vigilante group is allegedly backed by the omnipresent Mayor Danilo Dularte Suarez, and is responsible for many unsolved murders of teen gangsters. Today, they are hunting down Richard. Will they take the younger brother, too?
but on the other note, we should all be aware and also be vigilant of what's happening around us. we should all be protective of the rights of every person whether or not he or she is in the position. poverty really strikes and changes demeanor of every person. however, though we have people that should straighten things up, let us not allow them to just use their hands of steel and hide their false actions.
ENGKWENTRO will be shown in SM Cinemas on December 11-13 2009 only. for more information, visit
event photos by Johan Sy
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