Showing posts with label tj trinidad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tj trinidad. Show all posts

March 10, 2017


For my first theater production of the year, I was invited to see Red Turnip Theater's The Nether which runs from March 10 - April 9 at Power Mac Spotlight Center in Circuit City.
Walking inside the Power Mac Center welcomes you to a big space resembling a mansion's staircase, showing a lavish life of the character. Then an interrogation scene about a crime that involves virtual fantasies and behavior which we may all fall into. A mind-blogging and relevant theatrical production that when seen by many, could teach us to what can and would go wrong when we abuse the power of technology today.

Bring yourself to a deeper consciousness with Bernardo Bernardo, Bodjie Pascua, TJ Trinidad, Jenny Jamora and Alba Berenguer-Testa in The Nether. It confirms the dangers of the vast and meaty online environment that is indeed scary, not just for children but also for adults. The protection that we can learn from it is well received, as how the author, Jennifer Haley, wants us to preserve.

A few shots after watching The Nether with the cast:

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June 30, 2015


I saw AAI The Necessary Theatre's performance of The Normal Heart. It was not just on appreciation of the theater industry; it had opened my senses on the understanding and fighting the stigma caused by the scare of HIV/AIDS virus. This play is just for one weekend so you better watch it from July 3 - 5, 2015 at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium in RCBC Plaza.
The play is staged in a very simple way. With two towers that project different scenes in New York at the rise of the disease in the 1980s. When everyone didn't know what to do and judge the gay population of spreading the disease. When most of the gays are scared of what's gonna happen, Ned Weeks (Bart Guingona) has to stand up and make the voice heard and protect those left.
The cast, composed of Topper Fabregas, TJ Trinidad, Nor Domingo, Red Concepcion, Jef Flores, Richard Cunanan and Roselyn Perez, amazingly and effectively able to reach the audience on the storyline. The gestures are clean, conversations hooks you and immerses in your feelings for the people portrayed. For TJ Trinidad's first time as a stage actor, he gives his lines very well and looks like he's done quite of this before. He's better than on TV.

After the press preview, it was a sensible and very significant dialogue with them and the audience. Though it seems that some of the dialogues are presented with humor, the issue is very very serious. And not just the issue of AIDS is the enemy, but the society that neglects individuals that deserve equal rights and treatment. It also presents the sad reality that giving false judgments can start inside within the organization that is eager to fight.

Based on Larry Kramer's novel and HBO-adaptation, The Normal Heart left me with the message of hope when all could be united for the cause. A great contribution to humanity when all can understand. Crossing fingers for a longer run to educate more.

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