For my first theater production of the year, I was invited to see Red Turnip Theater's The Nether which runs from March 10 - April 9 at Power Mac Spotlight Center in Circuit City.
Walking inside the Power Mac Center welcomes you to a big space resembling a mansion's staircase, showing a lavish life of the character. Then an interrogation scene about a crime that involves virtual fantasies and behavior which we may all fall into. A mind-blogging and relevant theatrical production that when seen by many, could teach us to what can and would go wrong when we abuse the power of technology today.
Bring yourself to a deeper consciousness with Bernardo Bernardo, Bodjie Pascua, TJ Trinidad, Jenny Jamora and Alba Berenguer-Testa in The Nether. It confirms the dangers of the vast and meaty online environment that is indeed scary, not just for children but also for adults. The protection that we can learn from it is well received, as how the author, Jennifer Haley, wants us to preserve.
A few shots after watching The Nether with the cast: