Showing posts with label jill pena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jill pena. Show all posts

May 5, 2020

Saturday Online Concert: Upstart Productions' 10 for 10

Celebrating its 10th year anniversary in the theater community, Upstart Productions proudly presents UPSTART 10 FOR 10, an online mini-concert fundraiser on May 9 – 8 pm at Facebook page – Upstart Productions.

UPSTART 10 FOR 10 shall feature ten artists namely Topper Fabregas, Rony Fortich, Jenny Jamora, Carla Guevara-Laforteza, Lorenz Martinez, Shiela Valderrama-Martinez, Jill Pena, Felix Rivera, Ice Seguerra, and Reuben Uy.

The repertoire will include ten songs from Upstart Production’s first musical, BREAKUPS & BREAKDOWNS by Joel Trinidad and Rony Fortich.

The show aims to solicit donations for the benefit of the theater professionals behind the scenes — stage managers, prop masters, dressers, set builders, and the unsung heroes, who have lost their means of livelihood during this current pandemic.

Continue to support the arts during this pandemic.

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August 16, 2019

DANCING LESSONS - A love story of moving misconceptions

Twin Bill Theater's new production Dancing Lessons would move you to an emotional level as you will be given another understanding of a person with autism. The show is already playing at the Power Mac Center Spotlight Theater for a limited time, this show should not be missed.
Written by Mark St. Germain, inspired with his encounter with a couple with an autistic child, we can think that they see the world differently and they are very intuitive that's why they act as such. This story is actually a romcom about Ever Montgomery, a science professor with Asperger's syndrome and hypersensitivity, which I only heard about yesterday as they call it that way - and Senga Quinn, a Broadway dancer who has suffered a major leg injury in a car accident. Ever is played by Randy Villarama and Jill Pena stars as Senga.
Randy Villarama (Ever Montgomery) and Jill Pena (Senga Quinn)
Ever lacks social skills but a very important event would require him to have contact with people, he asks for dancing lessons from Senga so that he could deal with handshaking, hugs and dancing. Through the lessons, a relationship slowly develops that has both of them stepping out of their comfort zones.

What is funny about Dancing Lessons is I remember watching The Big Bang Theory with Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons) and Penny (Kaley Cuoco). The humor injected with Ever's obsessive-compulsive condition would be very similar to that. Thanks to TBBT and of course our understanding about the Asperger's syndrome, we now should have learned that it should not be treated as an abnormality but rather there is a different spectrum of the world for them. It is the availability of these materials that the world may be more colorful for them than what we see. But at the bottom of it, we all deserve to love and be loved. Who knows they can teach us a new universe of knowledge that we are unaware of, and what the world we are in as "neurotypicals" is what they are trying to discover because of its complexity. Dancing Lessons shows us both perspectives and I'm glad that Randy and Jill has given great performance for the eyes and for the heart. A wonderful material for everyone to witness.
Dancing Lessons shows are August 16, 17, 21-24 at 8:30PM at the PowerMac Center Spotlight Theater. Tickets are available at the venue.

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