Mickey Cohen, played by Sean Penn, is in the look out by LA police officer Sgt. John O'Mara (Josh Brolin) and his secret crew of former officers. the mob king definitely made a fortune in Los Angeles which every citizen grew a scare on him. Mickey Cohen's staff were gone one by one and the victims were rescued.
the process of finding his skilled secret crew is no joke but definitely funny as they get along. brains, fighting skills, gun handling and even staying sleek in suit is a sure requirement for his men.
on the other note, we'll have a romantic angle with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone as they deal with the odds as Jerry Wooters and Grace Faraday. it seems that this movie just had to have it.
directed by Ruben Fleischer, GANGSTER SQUAD opens in cinemas, January 30, 2013. distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Philippines.
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