the story focuses on Rancho (Aamir Kahn), Raju (Sharman Joshi) and Farhan (Madhavan Ranganathan) who are taking degree in engineering at the Imperial College of Engineering. here they discover the attitudes of one and become each other's support group. here they also face the pressure of being in college under the harsh policies of the school director Virus, who treats Rancho and the others as number 1 enemies and bad influence to other students. but this didn't stop the three to pursue college. especially Rancho who, inspite of his naughty and notorious attitude, still manage to get the top spot in the examinations. Raju and Farhan falls on the last of the list because they worry on the expectations of their families. Rancho puts them to see the other side understanding that they should go to what they really want.
the movie gives us a lighter view about life. it goes by the saying "All is Well" telling us not to worry about it. instead, we can solve any problem without worries. and that we should keep moving forward. i like the dialogues thrown by the cast and scenes are breathtaking. i never saw India in a different view. culture is being fed to you with a smile.
though most scenes have a funny approach, the movie also makes you cry. you'll begin to think that there are more better things around you rather than the negative ones. so go on, "All is Well," as Rancho says.
the movie lasts around 170 minutes. it would be that long because of some production numbers taking full songs. but at least you'll have a feed of the reasons why things turn as they are in the movie. below is a song and dance sequence from the movie. of course, Bollywood requires to have this.
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