Showing posts with label gravity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gravity. Show all posts

September 30, 2013

GRAVITY movie review

if somebody wishes to get to space, he has to think again. i wanted to until i watched GRAVITY by Warner Bros. Sandra Bullock as astronaut Ryan Stone and George Clooney as space engineer Matt Kowalski, stranded in space after their spacecraft was destroyed by debris.
i was leaning hardly at the back of my seat whenever there would be unfortunate events to attack Ryan. i was also holding the arm rests as i am scared of what's next to happen. the movie is scarier than horror movies themselves because you are almost helpless in space. it's closer to reality, if i may add. the comic relief is Kowalski trying to charm our astronaut in his good looks and calming her at the situation.
at the verge of life and death situations, it's still best to keep calm and be resourceful. it's a thing that i have learned in this movie. there will be many things that could go through your head and it will make you want to come home. i mean, it's just what we always want, right?

with minimal cast and very good execution, i can say that this movie is 5/5. the artistic floating and intense scenes that they have, i got all hooked in her adventure outer space. catch it on IMax and you'll have a slight feel of what's in store out there.
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