In this sequel, Doctor Robotnik (Jim Carrey) makes his way back to earth with the help of Knuckles (voiced by Idris Elba), an echidna from another tribe who's off to kill our hero. On earth, Sonic tries to become a hero in the wrong ways but still gets the love of Tom Wachowski (James Marsden) while living peacefully in Green Hills. Doctor Robotnik's return puts a new threat to Sonic and a new mission and destiny was revealed that sends him and a new found friend, Tails, to a globe-throttling adventure.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 sends off a good start with Doctor Robotnik's exile location in Mushroom Planet. It starts to build curiosity and a satisfying feast for the eyes. The abrupt appearance of Knuckles immediately sets an upcoming danger for our hero on earth. Although a continuation of the previous movie, this sequel separates itself with an independent plot.
As we expect more humor from Doctor Robotnik, Sonic The Hedgehog 2 injects more references in different familiar movies that somehow made it to the cut and would be bearable to the kids and what adults would let pass. Expect good giggles with the other cast that are a good breath of air in the action distributed entirely in the movie.
Speaking of action, Sonic and Knuckles gave an epic fight scene for your memory. The battle of red and blue radiated light and showed how powerful our heroes are. If again I'm going to discuss Doctor Robotnik, his powers is also to watch out for. I would not give much of details but you have to stay up to the credits because it ushers a new exciting premise.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 opens in Philippine theaters TOMORROW, March 30, distributed by Paramount Pictures Philippines through Columbia Pictures PH.
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